Changelog of Moksha for Artix:


  • split off Mixer module from Moksha package - if mixer is enabled but package not installed this will be reported at first startup
  • updated Moksha to 4.1.15 : (the clock updates will invalidate and remove its current settings and report this at first startup)
    • xkbswitch: focus variable causes any app remember - fix
    • Menu: invoke eap editor only if desktop file exists
    • Clock: buff overflow
    • Clock: NULL check
    • Tasks: expand tasks DnD possibilities
    • Clock versioning added
    • Startup: put unused function out of compiling
    • Clock: mouse in tip tweaks
    • Theme: clock tip popup prevent from blinking when in/out mouse


  • efl and moksha default profile updates


  • split moksha-icon-themes into (small but good) moksha-icon-themes-basic and (larger) moksha-icon-themes-extra
  • ephoto update


  • update efl to have connman as network backend
  • updated moksha for iso Artix background; previous one is in new package moksha-background-artix-classic


  • Moved Moksha for Artix to the galaxy repository


  • updated moksha-sunshine-theme for edge bindings improvement


  • updated moksha to 0.4.13
  • switched to non-git versioning for efl and moksha
  • updated ephoto
  • added mint-x-icons icon theme
  • updated some more themes for edge bindings improvement


  • updated moksha and replaced fix extraneous EFL messages
  • updated some more themes for edge bindings improvement


  • updated moksha to prevent extraneous EFL messages at logout, reboot or shutdown
  • updated some more themes for edge bindings improvement


  • updated moksa and some themes for edge bindings improvement
  • updated moksha: new optdep wpa-cute replaces wpa_supplicant_gui


  • updated efl, moksha, moksha-theme-green
  • converted from package groups to meta packages for modules and themes


  • updated moksha-help to direct to Artix wiki
  • added theme moksha-dimensions
  • added theme moksha-ice


  • rebuild of all packages
  • corrected profile name
  • fixed extraneous EFL messages in .xsession-errors file
  • corrected profile names
  • added Frame Buffer support
  • created new moksha-help package for menu items with help and a quickstart guide
  • corrected location of sysactions file
  • added rules files for fullscreen
  • added missing dependencies
  • updated optional dependencies
  • added faenza-icon-theme