[[http://example.com | link text]]
[[link text -> http://example.com]]
[[page name]]
[[page (name)]]
[[PageName | link text]]
[[PageName | + ]]
(titled link)
[[PageName | # ]]
(anonymous numerical reference link)
[[link text -> PageName]]
(to create an anchor)
[[#anchor | link text]]
(to refer to an anchor)
[[PageName#anchor | link text]]
(to refer to an anchor in another page)
详见Links 和Categories?
[[GroupName/]] or [[Group name/]]
[[GroupName/PageName]] or [[GroupName/page name]]
[[(GroupName.)page name]]
[[~Author Name]]
[[!Category Name]]
See InterMap
mailto:[email protected]
[[(mailto:)[email protected]]]
[[mailto:[email protected] | display text]]
[[display text -> mailto:[email protected]]]
[[Attach:file.odt | alternative text ]]
[[Attach:file with spaces.pdf]]
[[Attach:Groupname./file with spaces.pdf]]
http://example.com/image.gif"alt text"
Attach:image.gif"My image"
Attach:Groupname./image.gif"image in another group"
Attach:Groupname.Pagename/image.gif"image on another page"
%lfloat% Attach:image.gif | Caption %%
(could be %rfloat%, %center%, %rframe%, %lframe% )
%width=200px% Attach:image.gif %%
%thumb% Attach:image.gif %%
[[PageName | Attach:image.gif"alt text"]]
[[http://example.com/ | Attach:image.gif"alt text"]]
%rframe thumb% [[Attach:image.gif | Attach:image.gif"alt text"]] | Caption
详见:List Styles, Wiki styles 和Cookbook:Outline lists
* unordered list
** deeper list
# ordered list
# %item value=#%
arbitrary start number
# %decimal%, %roman%, %ROMAN%, %alpha%, %ALPHA%
start a question paragraph
start an answer paragraph
!! Heading
!!! Deeper heading
-> indented text
-< hanging indent
<space> preformatted text
preformatted block
(horizontal rule)
blank line
is vertical space
at end of line joins next line
at end of line produces a line break
at the end of a line produces a blank line, even within a list item
produces a line break that clears floating content
(:div attr:)
[-小字-], [--更小的文字--]
[+大字+], [++更大的文字++]
'-小-', '+大+'
'^上标^', '_下标_'
{+插入+} (加下划线)
{-删除-} (加删除线)
(:encrypt phrase:)
-- replaced with encrypted form of phrase
||table attributes
||!table caption!||
||left aligned || centered || right aligned||
||!column heading||
||spanned columns ||||||
(:table attr:)
(:cellnr attr:)
(:cell attr:)
(:redirect PageName:)
insert newline in the *markup* only if one isn't present. The purpose of (:nl:)
is to be able to write things like:
(:include Page1:)(:nl:)(:include Page2:)
详见Page directives? Group headers?
(:noheader:), (:nofooter:)
(:noleft:), (:noright:)
(:nogroupheader:), (:nogroupfooter:)
详见Page directives?, Comment markup, Page variables?
(:title text:)
(:keywords word, ...:)
(:description text:)
(:comment text:)
includes from (:name:text:)
详见Include other pages?, Page text variables?
(:include PageName:)
(:include PageName#start#end lines=n paras=n:)
(:include Page1 Page2 Page3:)
includes from (:name:text:)
(:if (!)
cond param:)...(:ifend:)
(:if (!)
cond param:)...(:else:)...(:ifend:)
(:if (!)
cond param:)...(:elseif (!)
cond param:)...(:ifend:)
详见:Page lists?
(:searchbox label=label order=-time:)
(:searchresults incl -excl group=abc fmt=def:)
(:pagelist incl -excl group=abc fmt=def:)
(:markup class=horiz:)...(:markupend:)
(:markup caption='...':)...(:markupend:)
(:input form method=get action=url enctype=multipart/form-data:)
(:input default name=xyz value="abc":)
(:input text name=first value="Bob" size=20:)
(:input textarea name=xyz [=value=] rows=2 cols=80:)
(:input submit name=post value="Go" accesskey=g:)
(:input reset:)
(:input hidden name=action value=edit:)
(:input radio name=xyz value="abc" checked=1:)
(:input checkbox name=xyz value="abc" checked=1:)
(:input password name=authpw:)
(:input file name=upload:)
(:input image name=xyz src="http:..." alt="Alt Text":)
(:input select name=xyz value="val1" label="Value 1":)
(:input select name=xyz value="val2" label="Value 2":)
(:input end:)
更多内容,详见:PmWiki Edit forms.
详见:Wiki trails?
详见Page variables?, Page text variables?, Page lists
sets a page text variable?
function args